Materials for Learning

We publish and provide books in Hausa and English Language to further the training of educators, community and spiritual leaders.. Five Smooth Stones, Sermon North & South and God’s call - Messages to Preachers on Preaching written by Heshimu Colar, Missionary, Chairman of Sovereign Grace African Foundation.

Over 5,000 books have been distributed FREELY to students, professionals and community leaders and we hope to do more.

10,000 Gospel tracts will be printed and translated in different local languages in the coming weeks.

We hope to translate sermons preached in English on the true Gospel of Christ to Hausa language, transfer same to memory card and distribute to thousands who hunger and thirst for the TRUE word of God as written in Scripture alone; upholding five essential:

  1. Sovereign Grace

  2. Preeminence of Christ

  3. Scripture Alone

  4. Working Together

  5. Building the Church.

Everything we do is free to those we help.

Contact us if you will like to help.