Ruth in Bethlehem

Ministering to Single Mothers

‘Ruth in Bethlehem" (RIB) is for single mothers. We empower women, pointing them to Christ in the Gospel.

The goal is to lead Ruth to Bethlehem, the House of Bread, and ultimately to the Lord's feet.

Through education, mentorship, and support, single mothers are given resources to become financially independent, and ultimately to be a Naomi to someone else.

This ministry was formed by Sister Olanike Adewusi - Amders, whose parents are from Ilesha in Osun State, western Nigeria; having experienced single motherhood in Ibadan, and ultimate redemption by the shed Blood of Christ, she is passionate about leading other women back to the Lord through the RIB initiative.


Ruth's an amazing story of redemption - cursed, redeemed, and ultimately the great grandmother of our lord Jesus.

Your donations will help support education, small business ownership, and financial stability.

Give, as you are led and as you have proposed in your heart.

for details on how to give, please contact us.