Partner with us

Giving is not just making a donation, it is about making a difference.

Sovereign Grace African Foundation is a non-profit organization seeking donor partners, so we can bring the Gospel of Christ that saves the eternal soul of man to many by helping them to help themselves!

Our Lord Jesus went about doing good as an example to us. As we carry the gospel in Sub-Saharan Africa, we see needs that we’d like to help.

Churches - Christians are persecuted, some killed and many are faced with daily threat to life unto death; children are traumatized through kidnapping and Forced child marriage.

Schools are underfunded, children left in desperate condition with no help in sight.

we are here to help, join us!

Everything we do is free to those we help.

“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap” Psalm 113:7


call us +234 803 556 4099 to speak directly to our team or alternatively contact us via email:-